Unkempt in the shallow pot
They lurch for the light
In wayward growth
No prizes for these heavy-headed blooms
On crutches for their weakness
Poor specimens her husband sighs
Ashamed for his neglect
But she bends to breathe them in
And on a dull day, cold day, disheartening
Her senses fill
And spring, she sees, is here
Unkempt in the shallow pot
They lurch for the light
In wayward growth
No prizes for these heavy-headed blooms
On crutches for their weakness
Poor specimens her husband sighs
Ashamed for his neglect
But she bends to breathe them in
And on a dull day, cold day, disheartening
Her senses fill
And spring, she sees, is here
February 26th 2010, Hounoux
From Jenny G
ReplyDeleteDear Sally,
My hyacinths leaned every which way, but I really didn't mind. The reason they are "for my soul" is that heavenly perfume!
Hyacinths for the soul
If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft,
And from thy slender store two loaves alone to thee are left,
Sell one, and with the dole
Buy hyacinths to feed thy soul.
poem by Moslih Eddin Saadi
Extra and important line from Jenny's comment! 'Your lovely poem brought them back to life for me, because they're like the (Rolling Stones?) song: all over now.'
ReplyDeleteHave just added my painting of hyacinths which is only the second water colour I have ever painted. Wanted to thank Gill for all her help with introducing me to this new aspect of painting and enabling me to make a start. Thank you Gill for having us now homeless artists to share your studio space and a huge thank you for all the free advice you give me!