Thursday, February 4, 2010

Goan Blue

Goan Blue

Up to his knees in marshland
On the water's edge
The lonely bullock stands
Lugubrious, munching
Part of the landscape
His black bulk
By the lush lagoon

Quicker in the shallows
Wading on stick legs
White egrets dart and bob
Busy question marks
And watchful overhead
Frilly wings outstretched
Kites gliding in the blue
February 4th 2010, Betelbatim beach, Goa


  1. Its like looking at a photo reading this, a moving photo? xx

  2. Yes, I agree, come on Sally I need a photo so that I can do a painting!!!!!
    Its very inspiring.

  3. Thank you again to Jude and Gill for responses. I thought Gill would like the verbal pictures. My camera is kaput at the moment, alas, but it does make me think of words to describe instead. Today- Saturday 6th, had first ever watercolour lesson with Millie - English art teacher out here for long hols. Thought of you again Gill!

  4. Photo of this stately animal winging its way to you Sally. Look forward to seeing the painting.
