Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Some days it is all about the landscape; fields, trees and mountains shimmering
colours patched and matched,
but this long week the gauge has risen, hot and ever hotter
so we bake and barely breathe, seek shade.
Only the birds are moving, chaffinch, dove, swift
and pale butterflies flit;
but clouds are still, puffed and pulled, cirrus in strands
a thing of beauty joy for ever,
watch and wonder

16th July 2013, Hounoux

Saturday, July 6, 2013

As countless birds gave song

As countless birds gave song

Surely a poem here she said
bent among the canes, red with raspberries
as the mountains floated, blue on cloudless blue
still a frosting, extraordinary, on the summit
swifts sickle-scythed in sudden loops,
a serin from the pine top poured its all, sweet notes,
lavender, honeysuckle and roses, slightly run amok
mixed heady scents;
and all the July air was filled
as countless birds gave song. 

6th July 2013, Hounoux by the pool, for Wendy with love 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fete de la Musique

FĂȘte de la Musique

It was cold that day
winterish in June and even rain was threatened.
We wondered, would they come
to the huge-capacity barn, not warm,
wind whistling through the gaps.
What call for opera deep in rural France
we wondered, would they come?

But come they did, nombreux, in droves
all that wonderful weekend
for opera and jazz (with brunch) woodwind and pop
(circa 1960), then Grand Finale, Gloria!
Sacred music in the church.

What a gift he has and o so generously shares
the choir master, chef,
all of us, the international troupe somehow imbued
a magic conjuring trick
with notes and keys and musicality.
Together, sixty strong, we stood and watched his baton
followed where he led
raised our  voices, sang from our souls
and shared something sublime.

July 5th 2013, Hounoux, for Alan Simmons in appreciation