Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Into the sudden dropping dusk

Into the sudden dropping dusk

Into the sudden dropping dusk
I raced on rush hour roads
anxious for route, east or west
weary and wanting home
fear like a drum, ta da rum, ta da rum
adrenalin overflowing.
Caught up in a car chase, rat race, lunacy
I hurtled, crossing lanes.
Then into the sudden dropping dusk
serene in a violet sky
silent and lovely, luminous, O!
Floated the breathless moon.

30th October 2012, Hounoux

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Lupine, the wind

Lupine, the wind

Lupine, the wind is up today
wild, and wet from the sea
racing the clouds
roaring, loud
the pack has us held in siege
thunders  and thrums,  drums in the stack
rattles the doors and panes
howls to be in
the din the din
even the tall trees bending.

Conjured the wolves from fairy tales
circling ready to leap
a snap and a snarl beyond the cave
glimpsed in the firelight’s flicker.
A day to be glad for solid stone
for ancient thickness of walls
for comfort of home and shutters tied
while all of the world’s in a spin.

Lupine, the wind is up today
and I’m glad glad glad, to be in.

20th October 2012, Hounoux