Monday, May 31, 2010

No word for home

No word for home

Consider this, she said
The sparky woman ( French)
We have no word for home
For house of course and homeland
Vive la patrie
So much is in the meaning
Unspoken, understood
Geography and climate, native tongue
A part, but not the whole
Intangible, invisible
Except in certain lights
Like bonfire gleam or eclipse-glow
It's held within the heart
The tug of roots
The call of love
A memory of source
A place you left a life ago
Or refuge newly found
With welcome mat and hearth
A hook to hang your hat
Or maybe just, at crowded airport gate
A smile, two arms
Flung wide to fold you in

24th May 2010, Quantas Armidale to Sydney

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Read the Runes

Read the Runes

You- artists- etch on zinc

With bitumen, a winding river

Long, important in your land

Plus fish and water creatures

In struggle to survive

On sacred rocks in ochre

Millennia long gone, you

-First inhabitants-

Draw lizards, leave your mark

We are sorry we are sorry

For the ruin we have wrought

By miracle/ geography

This rainforest, not despoiled

A work of art exuberant

Creation ever new

Strangler figs and monster ferns

Left to run amok

Symbiotic systems not yet trampled

Not destroyed

Do we read the runes and spot the signs

Give credence, heed the words

Are we sorry, are we sorry

For the ruin we have wrought?

May 19th 2010, Port Douglas, Queensland, for Lesley Labram, artist

'We are so sorry for what we did to your people' - comment in visitors' book left by child, at Aboriginal peoples' sacred site.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Song of Ancients

Song of Ancients
When the wind the wild is howling
Wolfpack baying
No moon night
When the world's a whirlwind spinning
Chaos raging
All in flight
When it's tumult tumult pounding
Senses screaming
Boundless fright
In the midst and in the maelstrom
In the eye of hurricane
You may hear the song they're singing
Song of ancients
Hear them singing
All the multitude the many
They are singing they are singing
Those who went before
Song of ancients
Hear them singing
Bringing word
That Peace will come
May 6th 2010, Yackandandah, Victoria.