Monday, October 4, 2010

Chateau Guilhem

Chateau Guilhem

Grapes blue-black ,globes in trailing clusters
Easy-pickings sticky squirt
Or twined and twisted clingy round the vine
Hiding, for merlot leaves are large

Up this line in steady progress we the extras edge
Scissor snips with care, ‘Allez allez!’
The patron calls the pace. Fill the bucket
Then the hod, till the rows are stripped
And in the truck piled pyramid, will-be one day wine

Now he whistles shocking, tells the toilers ‘Stop!’
Sunday sun is hot and climbing. We temporary peasants
Amble haphazard, eddy through the vines
Bidden to the chateau, lawns, ancient trees
We sit and sip, shaded, loving the rural life
Today’s role. For wages here’s a country feast,
Ad lib the wine

We’ve played our parts in the pageant
Enacted an ageless scene
Soil to vine to fruit to wine
Produce of the land
Gathered, good work, today

4th October 2010, Hounoux (4 in the sleepless morning)


  1. Can hardly bear to comment, I'm so jealous! It sounds great - both the experience, and the poem.

  2. Its a story! Sounds like a great way to earn a feast, count me in when I retire. So timeless Sally and what a lovely way to spend a Sunday.

  3. It is indeed a story Jude. I did feel so much part of a timeless ritual of that landscape. It was just glorious and here you must come just as soon as you get to retire!

  4. From Pam Morris. Love the latest poem- can we come with you next time and be peasants for the day?

  5. Clare's triad on her visit to us:

    A pool of kindness
    A fountain of enjoyment
    A stream of friendship

