Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The pilgrim soul

The pilgrim soul

But one man loved, he said
The pilgrim soul in you
Soul that soared
Swifts and swallows, summer
On the wing
Or gazed on beauty
Drank it in as evening sky
Bled pink to turquoise
Strands, gold bands
Pilgrim seeker, what is truth?
Soul that stood upon its points
Breathed the air, beheld the plain
Spun and whirled, up up
Took flight
Clear of eye and stout of heart
Pilgrim soul itinerant
Ever onward ever seeking
Through the world, far far beyond

18th August 2010, Hounoux, inspired by a line from W B Yeats, 'When you are old'

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sally, you have now freed me forever from an image of the pilgrim journey as a dreary trudge!
