Saturday, June 19, 2010

Grace in a moment

Grace in a moment

And yet he said, the suffering man
In spite of hellish horror
Fleeting rare, but still I’ve known
Grace, just for a moment
When mercifully I have been held
In a life and in a landscape riven with rain
Breath-taking pain
Red rain running gutters despair
Thanks to the loving the kindness of friends
A windbreak in tempest
Peace in the blast
Grace in a moment, just for a moment
When mercifully
I have been held
12th June 2010, Brighton, after ministry at Brighton Quaker Meeting about a man whose son was recently murdered


  1. It went through my whole body Sally and then I welled up. Its amazing how your 14 lines have shared this man's story.

  2. May angels of mercy surround him, and the ravens of grief and suffering still feed him, so that his strength may grow even to weld this tragedy into a life worth living.
