Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thumbprint in the Sky

Thumbprint in the sky

It's just a chalky thumbprint
In wide and dizzy sky
A vestige of an echo
Of the Queen who rode the night
A whisper veiled in chiffon
Where once Diana blazed
Or harvest orange wonder
Which stopped our hearts amazed

But still in summer dazzle
The child can feel the pull
Small finger points, he's running
The magnet pulse is full
No time for sea or sand
Or sun stood overhead at noon
His world reduced to single thought
The moon he cries, the moon

4th July 2009 Brighton


  1. Made me think of Simon when we were in France and he was 2 years old! Happy memories.

  2. I think that small children are so often followers of the moon aren't they- when not watching insects closely and chasing butterflies! It's just so surprising that in all the wide sky Luca spots it straight away whilst we mere adults have to search and search for it. Anna was always obsessed by the moon and had to look at it each night before she went to sleep.

  3. When the boys were away from home I used to tell them to look at the moon and I would be looking too. Always gave me comfort ( not sure if they even remember ) to think we were sharing something special even though we were miles apart.
