Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Singing our own

 Singing our own 

I think of you as I am reaching, searching for rhythm 

and rhyming, assonance

care in the choosing, groping for meaning 

pleasing, novelty 

now that your utterances refuse to flow, but stick

and jam

requiring push and prod, a freeing rod

your fluency now failing. 

Still your Yorkshire lovely lilt, inherited, Halifax 

has made me smile for gratitude-

that you’re battling with the silence 

that you won’t be overcome. 

So from girls to grannies, still 

singing our own in two parts, harmony and song. 

June 16th 2021, Hounoux 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much- it's so relevant that I'm struggling with aphasia! 'Girls to grannies' that's where we are. Thank you so profoundly. xxxxx
