Saturday, January 16, 2021

All-weather man

 All-weather man 

Monty strides, pack leader, dogs eddying 

all passion and purpose 

Longmeadow presently bewintered 

pleached limes, rimed

bare arms outstretched 

hard earth iron ring/ sing 

all-weather man. 

Quietly he pots and plans cutting and curbing 

where hoodlums rampage, overrun 

his quiet vision sowing, growing 

foot on spade, fingers in the soil. 

Monty strides, on a mission 

Longmeadow’s all-weather man.    

16th January 2021 Hounoux 

1 comment:

  1. Caught the man. Love to see him with the dogs. (eddying) and those plants who are hoodlums. ha ha!
