Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Memories, unpeeling

Memories, unpeeling 

The crow of a cock through the all night 
wide-open window 
a day so still, late summer hissing in the ear
like sea swoosh captured in a shell 
that boastful brag, attention-seeking  
cockadoodle call. 

It’s village India first, flat-out beneath the fan 
carried on the woodsmoke mixed-spice air
then clever as a Russian doll
Babushka peeled, revealed, 
neighbourhood rooster, francophone 
hence cocorico call
from student years, fast fading. 

And at its core, Babushka’s baby
my childhood home, scent of pine
wood pigeons on repeat 
salt and sea swoosh
crow of cock through the all night
wide-open window.

27th August 2020, Hounoux 


  1. Great title preparing to join you in your reminiscing, yes I see the layers and love the metaphor. My doll goes right back to my childhood but I'll never know what happened to the baby!

  2. What a lovely response Jude! And so very pleased and smiling to have you back!

  3. 'my childhood home, scent of pine wood pigeons on repeat'
    took me straight to Pauntley Road. Did you know the Bournemouth Pine is a recognised subspecies? If that is the word? xx
