It all began with a Moleskine, pristine
white pages daring:
Go on, start
Make a mark
Summon the words, arrange, rearrange
never mind the scratch and scrubbing
disorder, chaos on the page
the wrestling into shape
is it done, words spun
sufficient sparkle and polish?
Squint from a distance, peer at it close
say it into the silence
deep breath, next step...
Up on the internet, bold in a blog
go well my child, released to the wild
first poem out there on the web
and ten years on the progeny
so many now and varied
down from the ether, returned
arranged, rearranged
much artful editing
And I’m glad for the Moleskine daring:
Brave start
Make mark
for look, here’s a book
my self revealed, my soul
spilled on the pristine page.
February 28th 2020 Hounoux