Monday, November 27, 2017

There is magic in the morning

There is magic in this morning 

There are diamonds in a galaxy this morning
brilliant on the panes
in the early up sun up
Autumn beckoning to winter day

There is beaten copper, bronze and orange
burnishing the vines
and fields in gold and lime.
Behind the belltower's silhouette
blue canopy's back-lit. 

There's a memory of lacework patterning the glass
ice like doilies Jack Frost left.
Look out look out the Beauty will bite
Five year old fingertips torn

Winter's hand in hand with Autumn
shine and sparkle dazzle dance.
There is magic in this morning 
the Enchanter called last night.

27th November 2017, Hounoux


  1. Brrrr, crisp cold beauty in first sunlight, your poem is lovely Sally. Yes I dug my gloves out today!

  2. Thank you Jude, my one remaining faithful reader! Me too today, with the gloves!
