Sunday, June 8, 2014

Moon and Nightingale

Moon and Nightingale

One evening in May towards the end
June ready in the wings
after a day that sang of summer, warm and still
insects profuse
we dined and wined two friends.
She spoke of rosé recommended, grown here, the Languedoc
then other topics flowed
geography, history, place and time
bloodiness enough
chateaux, popes and heresy, gruesome ways to death
but much more to my taste and interest, the raucous choir cacophony
of crickets, frogs and birds now tuning up
as dusk fell slow
and suddenly she hushed us all to listen:
from the margins, fig trees on our boundary
we heard  it loud and sweet and  as the song reprised in phrases
clearly Keat’s beloved bird,
a nightingale, in fullest flow.

Later through the glass when chill air drove us in
we watched a huge moon rise
deepest yellow gold.
Put those together, moon and nightingale
quick, catch them in the jar
the lid the lid
for  just in case of
memory, now scratching, etching, graffiti artist on my soul
reaching for poetry,
should feeble grow and fail. 

Hounoux, June 8th 2014, for Jenny and John who taught us how


  1. How wonderful to be able to share your evening with a poem. As I age I wonder if emotions have a greater longevity, I can imagine the joy of this combination. X

  2. Jenny with us and thrilled with your poem! I tried to sign in and comment but failed again. Much love Pam x

  3. Sally

    What a lovely poem. So talented.

    A lovely thought. Thank you.

    We are having a good time with P&B. Talking about France and Sally&Andy. Are your ears burning ?
    I will write again soon.

    Jenny xx
