Monday, June 10, 2013

In a Book of Days

In a Book of Days
today has wisteria wound across the fence,
first petals unfurled
tiny terracotta clover leaves crept like strawberries
scattering yellow stars between the cracks, softening the slabs
and moss
a waft of lilac, tamarisk fronds emerging,
a bleeding heart somehow survived, now dwarfed,
honesty bright purple, ceonothus shot too high
the best of blues,
weeds ( potential poppies) spared among the stones
a blackbird singing invisible
and Betty chirruping
inventing her dear self.

18th April 2013, Hounoux


  1. Terrific stuff, Sally. I love the last two lines especially.

  2. Just discovered how to actually post here.
    Love the poem above. So reminiscent of ...
    and evocative ...
    I too love the last two lines.
    (Elijah chirrups too, and coos0
