Tuesday, July 3, 2012



Tiny bird upon the wire, a serin sits
as golden note on a stave
treble clef, pouring the sweetest song

and in the honeysuckle, lavender,
hummingbird moths abound
no sound, perfectly poised in the dance.

Between the peas and climbing beans
unruly poppies blow and campion,
larkspur lovely, a masterpiece by chance,

or simply the mountains misty blue
dreaming under the sky
landscape in layers, shades that shock
oranges, ochre, rose.

As bee-eaters flash in a gaudy group
swoop of the swallows too
rise then with the swallows, skim the sky
solace my troubled soul.

July 3rd 2012, Hounoux


  1. Indeed it is Sally, solace. To be immersed in your beautiful landscape and surroundings supports new perspectives and resilience to grow. Do you remember our 'golden moments' to get through the day at work...well its like an extended version! I love the reminder of all that is going well in the world! xxx

  2. You are so right Jude about the landscape and what it does in terms of the spirit and the soul. I'm glad that the poetic moment it good for you too as you crawl on to the end of term!
