Monday, January 2, 2012

All of us tethered

Power and sway, hold
Tug of the kite on string
Payed out, reeled in
Dip swirl swoop
Delusion to think you’re an eagle
Free as the cliché
Self-rule, swa-raj
Eyes and beak and talons sharp
Pinnacle and peak, perfection
For lo! Not so-
Tug of the string
Clip of the wing
Free-will shown for a sham
All of us tethered and trimmed
In thrall
Beck and call
Love’s hapless prisoners

Center Parcs Longleat, 28th December 2011


  1. Yep, a tricky one, I do still have delusions though alongside the desire to belong. I've been contemplating meditation this week as a way to find balance. Does this make sense?! xxx

  2. It surely does make sense Jude. You know I think where this poem is coming from, the age old dilemma about love, whereby you cannot have the belonging and the close relationships without the pain and anguish that come with it. But realistically who would choose to pass on the love just to avoid the possibility of hurt? I too have thought about meditation and also of practising mindfulness. I'm resolved to look for a course! Thank you so much for your comments Jude. I do miss having feedback on my poems.
