Dear me
Dear me
The once-was child long grown, my self my own
You think you crystal-ball and see
Ahead the years, oh yes the tears
The bitter grief and rage rage
Does no one care?
So ranting-roar, NOT FAIR!
This one the one the all, my everything
Mood swing
Rock and roll/ spin and tip
Dear me, dear you
If visible from here my view
Just a blip
Hardly showing on the graph
The ups and downs, eroded flat
Soaring passions/ slough despair
Look there-
Not unalloyed all joy and bliss
Not happy-ever-after story this
But listen look, a biographical book
My fretful alter ego insecure
I can report from decades hence
A vision in the future tense
I bid you brave and learn to chill
For much ahead is good not ill
I've a secret ours to share
Woven through your story threads
Are light- strung diamonds in the air
Breath of life or daily bread
All along the path you’ll find
There will be love of every kind
For and from, each to other
As wife and lover, friend and mother
Yours not a rocky scree slope path
Always a struggle pitfalls dark
Nor yet blue-sky and endless days
Sunlit skipping through the park
But nonetheless so much to treasure
More than rubies, beyond measure
In spite of all our childish fears
Of failure fatness lost-love jeers
From maths exams to life alone
Insults worse than stick or stone
I counsel down the sound-proof years
Don’t waste our time in vale of tears
Feel your strength and lift your head
Much more to relish than to dread
For down the decades bright, untold
A lovely story, ours, unfolds
15th October 2011, Hounoux
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