Wednesday, September 14, 2011

This day, today

This day, today

If I could paint this day, today
Or sing it in a song, bind it
In a book between the covers
Or on film, in photograph
Model it in clay
Stitch it onto fabric
Dance it, write a symphony
This day, today
I would
The still, the sun
Sweet scent of smoke
White wires across the blue
Sky lit luminous
The still, just one
Pale rose, low whisper
Breeze, unbending cypress trees
Martins’ sudden swoosh
Faint across the foothills
Tractor harvesting
And me the frog mechanical
Languid in the pool
Lovely liquid dappled blue golds green
Luscious sheen

From deep red dawning day, today
It bursts and brims
As laughter lights the soul
Gilded gift
Ephemeral Mayfly one-day fly
Perfection come this day

14th September 2011, Hounoux


  1. Beam me up!! What a great

  2. From Pam M

    This is just beautiful Sally. I seem to have messed up my Blog password etc and have given up but I do always read and appreciate your beautiful words. I recently read Nagardevi's poem and it breaks my heart.

  3. One astonishing thing looking back on this poem is that every day since has been exactly as perfect- amazing!!!
