Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cataclysmic, tiger leapt

Cataclysmic, tiger leapt

Far below and unsuspected
Earth is cracking, shifting shell
On the fault-line, half forgotten
Clash of titans, gates of hell

Plates tectonic crash and splinter
Earth is cracking, shift and quake
On the fault-line fathoms under
Seismic giant stirs and wakes

Then the wall of water rising
Fierce the force unstoppable
Making matchsticks, shattered, scattered
All before it, swallowed
Mighty wave tsunami rising
Tiger leapt

Fear the cracks the fault
Kept hidden
Far below the egg-smooth shell
‘Ware the fissure’s power
In a heartbeat
Gone to hell

15th March 2011, Adelaide


  1. Undoubtedly, your best - please, please put this into a poetry competition!

  2. Thank you so much Gill- you are such an encourager! Whilst the appalling news of the cataclysms in Japan was emerging we were spending a weekend with family, which was a very happy time. However, the 33year relationship between the parents has just splintered and cracked in a way that has shaken them all, but especially my beloved cousin. I felt that he was standing on the edge of an abyss and that the enormity of what he might have lost forever was overwhelming for him. This is where the last verse comes in. I was reflecting on all the human devastation, so many many lives forever changed.
