Thursday, July 29, 2010

High with the tide

Only stand before this view
Look and look and look
Give your senses, all your self
Ride the tide
For beauty’s in full flood

There the mountains layering afloat
Right upon the edge
Surely chiffon?
Evening wear midnight smoky blue
Nearer the patches linen, drab
Coarse woven
Where the wheat is cut
Then here and here and here
Bright yellow dusters
Flamboyant magician flung
Fluttered to earth
Singing sunflower fields

Etch sketch pencil pen
Palette of paint
Watercolour oil gouache
Chalky in pastel blurring
Fine line, suggestion
Or strong, brasher, bold
Today, lovingly sewn, a patchwork
Embroidery, beading, silk thread

The artist responds, leaps up, it’s a must!
With a painting a poem a prayer
When the force the imperative sings
Of the beauty that’s rising
High with the tide, torrential
Quenching and soothing the soul
July 29th 2010, Hounoux

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