Friday, December 18, 2009

The Magic Box

I will put in my box
Your father’s voice, glad tidings!
Almond eyes blinking at the world
Carcassonne shimmering in high August heat
Lilies and roses your dad, so grateful, gave your mum
I will put in the box
Sweet angel baby, quiet star
At wedding celebration
Two families smiling, happy to meet you
Asleep peaceful, rocked by Grandy
Or by Texan Chuck
Your delighted ‘Gwanny-Gwandy!’
As you learned to walk and talk
To laugh and dance
In Hounoux southern sun

I will put in my box
The little girl, pigtails, si mignonne
Beloved in two languages
Your declaration of love
‘Same like the rabbit granny’
Up to the moon, bright star
I will put in my box
Bravery on Mirapoix pony,
Swimming in Montbel, wobbling on your bike,
And when mummy had to go
Both of you sad to be apart
I will put in my box
Story time, Grandy always your choice
(But I do love you Granny...)
Bath time, morning in bed time,
Let’s pretend, me the mummy
Bear, you the cub
Endless make believe in your head
With songs and facts historical
Geography of France

And the walls will be made of
Your Lily gift, to make friends
Keep friends, to calm and mediate
With in each corner the light
You brought into our world
And all of it wrapped in the dear
Love you inspired us all to feel


  1. what a lovely poem Granny, a star was born and a star still shining bright.

  2. You must of finished that special present for your granddaughter, I hope this poem is included in one of the pockets, its beautiful and full of love.

  3. To both of you, my dear followers, I wrote Lily's Magic box poem en route to Dieppe and I have spent today with help of friend Pam putting together a book of poems for her, incorporating all the ones which I've written for her this last year- about 8. The book fits into a black box on which I have painted a white lily which grows out of the L in Lily. Lots of work but thrilled now with it all I must say.

  4. From Dan ' Lovely mum, just lovely'

    And yes- the poetry book is designed to go into one of the pockets of Lily's Memory-Keeper.

  5. The poem is just beautiful Sally. It was a joy to be involved in a small way with the poetry book. A real treasure for Lily's Memory Keeper.

  6. I was so grateful for your help with the poetry books Pam as though I can sometimes have good creative ideas I am not so practical to make them well. Lily was so pleased with her memory-keeper and shed a little tear about the photo book of her life story.
