Monday, August 17, 2009



On the edge of the forest
In grandmother's picture-book garden
Cottage only lacking a thatch
Wild ponies enhancing the scene
The much-planned, fretted over, arranged, re-arranged
Wedding is taking place
His family not fractured flown across the globe
Lending a certain Aussie grit and wit and realism
To the production
Hers reunited after break-up
Breakdown, heart-break of her younger years
Reprising their roles from impossibly
Sunny and glamorous, now-fading
Photos in granny's frame
And so, although the sun, presence politely requested
Remains a determined no-show
And own home-grown best-beloved flower girl
Fails to learn to walk
Still, breathe out, smile, be glad on this day
For Lucy's plans and dreams are coming true
Played out, made real, this August day
So many here who wish them well
Who laugh and cry and hope the gods
The odds, this time, are on their side
That the moment miraculous
Youthful, call it sweet serendipity
L A bar, two girls stepping out
Tired after flight, three brothers mainly here for the beer
Cheap that night, that place
The others not chosen, the crossing of paths
Surely it's fate, a portent, a sign
Read backwards the story is clear
Has a plot and a plan, it's light
Summer reading, a feel-good romance
So let us hope, fingers crossed, say a prayer
Wish them luck and god-speed
As pristine page bright-white is turned
And forward as one they step
Onward in faith, ready to tell
Their brave and future tale

17th August 2009, Brighton, for Lucy and Craig


  1. I am sure they will be delighted with this poem. What a wonderful way to celebrate the day.

  2. I like the style of this one Sally.

  3. I have sent this already to Lucy tho I dare say even she - a keen facebooker- wont be looking for a few days whilst on honemoon! I did compulsory poetry reading for Dan- you both will remember those! and he said to send it. I just hope she'll be ok with the tone plus the sad bit about her family being broken. The lovely old photos of her family all looking so young and optimistic and happy did make me feel sad and also, as always at modern weddings, it made me wonder what the future will hold for the couple. They are friends whom Dan and H met at ante natal as they have Tilly, same age as Zach.

  4. From Lucy herself

    and THANK YOU again for the poem i am going to print and frame it... its divine

  5. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry it has taken me this long to reply and THANK you sooo sooo much for this BEAUTIFUL poem..

    Also Lucy
