Tuesday, November 14, 2023

All the wide horizon

 All the wide horizon 

From early glimpsed stealing across one pane 

thirty minutes before scheduled sunrise 

the precursor, first thick slick 

expert flick of the knife

burnt orange trailing its neighbours, crimson and gold 

the bold and abstract, go with the flow of the show

this morning 

attests to an early-risen artist and all the wide horizon for a canvas 

a sky to be filled 

glide of the knife from east to west 

stripe after stripe 

hot shades across the duck egg blue. 

Now all my window’s filled, a thirty minute show 

as slow, slow, the  sun in splendour rises-  


14th November 2023 Hounoux 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

To fill a room with poetry

To fill a room with poetry 

 It was a Rattlebag a rag-tag a mish-mash 

hotch-potch kind of happening 

a patchwork quilt/  a collage / piece of theatre extemporised 

as we came together each with our offering

quite randomly  a feast. 

We mixed in memories and laughter, dark and light 

plus all shades spectrum in between 

from Keat’s Autumn fruitfulness to Silver magic moon 

my childhood’s rich round Hampshire tones 

John’s poignant Irish isle 

Baudelaire and Lafontaine

those exasperated wives, long-suffering 

some smut among the beauty, leavening 

and what serendipity! Kathryn’s wondrous Welsh

How blessed we are you’d have to say 

when days are dark and all the news unbearable 

to find such friends 

to fill a room with poetry, ancient and modern 

some beautifully home grown; a grandson in his grief. 

So all the wide world encompassed 

unlooked for loveliness 

our golden treasury 

9th November 2023 Hounoux for LĂ©ran friends