Monday, November 29, 2021

Love left behind


Love left behind 

The crochet hook’s a lovely thing 

slim and slippery, with shine 

apt and fitting as a pen 

describing, fleet and flash 

a dance with ribbons or a song 

rise and fall in and out 

the even rhythm soothing 

and in its wake the memory of summer 

click clack of spinnakers, wild white waves 

gulls’ cry, salt in a spray 

sunlit days, autumn’s abundance 

sweet smoke rising. 

Watch the wake unspooling 

love left behind 

in legacy.

November 30th 2021 Hounoux 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Product and legacy

 Product and legacy 

I listen to Stella who knows about art and artists

their lives and work 

what others thought of them ( too often Ruskin) 

and I try to piece together, this one before that one? 

Whistler influenced and influencing ( unpleasant modern verb) 

how to go from pre to post

realism / neo, 

from Ah a chair, a jug, clearly an interior 

Dutch perhaps? 

To colours spattered, carefully it seems

Pollock not random 

and certainly not Rothko, those colours most deliberate 

and on the canvas making each other sing 

zing  out loud,

via Turner, moving to abstraction 

Academy decisions unheeded 

and Monet by the water blurring as he aged

or Picasso dissecting his women 

 and the dead of Guernica 

Klimt and Klee, gold alluring like kintsugi 

Japanese poured in cracks

or Midas in the myth. 

I think of Haiku, sonnet, quatrains, ballad form 

heroic couplets rhyming and words 

tossed in the air like Pollock’s paint 

spattered random, rearranged, free fall

and ponder history and timeline 

art in all its forms adored/ abhorred 

poured from the pen the brush 

or pebbles spiralled on the sand 

Gormley’s men  submerging by the sea 

product and legacy, sand blasted into glass 

or castles just between the tides 

art in all its forms or shapeless 

head hand soul 

product and legacy? 

November 11th 2021 Hounoux 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

A show and tell


A show and tell 

On nightly news, grim 

Attenborough and Thunberg

affirm the fearsome truths 

message not obscured 

clear as catastrophe  

whilst islands drown and forests burn

and storms are fierce raging 

all balance thrown, the planet out of kilter 

Here through the windows 

Autumn’s blaze is beautiful 

bright in the low sun’s slant  

and spotlight 

furrowed fields with lines of vines 

vibrant yellows, red

first snow sparkle along the blue haze chain. 

So all our world’s a picture book

glorious and aglow

a show and tell 

one wordless plea, on bended knee 

a Look,  how lovely ! 

All balance thrown 

our planet out of kilter. 

November 6th 2021 Hounoux