Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Preserved like plums

Preserved like plums

I see my feet
brown like an egg and small
warm from the sun, in sandals
last year's Start-Rite
my short toes free, the toe-cap cut
by mother with a razor blade
was the leather red? 

I see my arms
also bare beneath the sleeves, puffed
pale blue and knees
summer-coloured, with a scab
soon ready for the picking
always war-wounds then
when life was all outdoors
with dirt in finger nails

and time was not yet learned
from the checkered china clock
or the Victory jigsaw, seasons in each corner
but told instead by the cress seeds
wet on cotton wool
egg-box sprouting, ready yet for tea?
Sandwiches with crusts removed
or the bean on blotting paper
jam jar on window sill.

Long days then from dawn till dusk
when I was near the ground
so noticed worms, wasps, stones
(collected those with holes for luck)
knew the smell of pineapple on mayweed
threaded on a stalk
flicked plantain heads for catapults
joined daisies in a chain

I see my feet
on the garden gate, perhaps my brother's too
where we have climbed for lookouts
mother must have said
to watch and wait for dad's return
six day week routine
another country then unreachable 
but technicolour clear
preserved like plums in a bottle
sweet in memory

25th February 2015, Hounoux, for my friend Wendy, some sunshine for your day

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Dust on a sunbeam

Dust on a sunbeam

Four days now separate my time with you
time out of time, three weeks
that now in memory glow, rounded and perfect
a scene in a snow globe where glitter floats
dust on a sunbeam

And now that I am elsewhere
the enchantment in the past
can I pin down the magic, woven spell
tell how it is
how you hug and hold me
light bright in your eyes
shed tears to show you're glad
hold out a hand to help, take my bag, lock my bike
tell me to sit whilst you pin jasmine
and roses, hibiscus, sunflowers
in my hair and declare
no irony, Beautiful!
and somehow I suspend  my disbelief
all cynicism flown?

You offer coffee, food you've made with love
at dawn, rising early
you gently press for a date, a visit to your homes
where family wait smiling, pleased at our return.
For all these days we cycle to your village
cries of Vanicum! Hi how are you? Smiles and salutes
Good morning mam!
And love is shown in care and concern
are we well, have we eaten, quick the fan, take your rest.

Though some would struggle, find it all too much
the fuss and food
for me it's never so
just a miracle of love 
shown in the small and daily
tears as we depart
connections made, whole-hearted
my soul fed
a golden snow globe glitter 

1st February 2015, Home Stay Marari Beach Kerala, for Pam and Wendy.