Monday, September 10, 2012

Ice cube, sliding

Ice cube, sliding

That day began with, dear god!
Shocking gasp and green
plunge in the pool eighteen degrees and dropping
four lengths in, stately, become miraculously warm
and you and I in fluent chat
plus birds, a buzzard to your left?
Doves dainty dipping, pink feet
curled on the edge
then to market, landscape definitely crisping at the edges,
autumnal, though you talked of rust in the chestnuts
but also feathery fields, asparagus, waving
and one or two hectares of sunflowers,still zinging in full song.

Next to the lake, a picnic in the shade
and afterwards those scarlet dragonflies
with various Clouded Yellows on the flit and flutter.
At home another thirty lengths, soothing dip
before our rendezvous with a poet, quiet Irish tones 
in the still white clean white room
strange images, a black moon
and Robert Frost he gave me,
that ice cube, sliding on its own melt
who knew the genesis, the where from? Wither?
Watch in wonder
see the poem formed.

10th September, 2012, Hounoux, for Clare

(The poet was Matthew Sweeney. He told me that Robert Frost said a poem is a block of ice sliding on its own melt. Subsequently I read that RF also said ' Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words' )

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I watched you glow

I watched you glow

You two talked of metalwork,
a language I did not know.
Whole sentences full of nuts and pipes
and something you called swage
clanked and clattered from your mouths
all over the dining table
whilst we sat silent, somewhat stunned
by mystical terms.
The magic between you sparked
soldering, welding, copper and lead
you made a connection,
lit up each other’s eyes.
Oh your delight!
The molten metal flowed
and, mesmerised,
I watched you glow.

September 10th 2012, Hounoux. For Jude who was there.

Friday, September 7, 2012

A ballet in the air

A ballet in the air

The pool is dappled, on the move
flickering in liquid dance,
lime and bottle, shades of green
all of the tree-tops too.
Bees and butterflies are buffeted, warm with the wind from the south,
the sea.
So, high in the sky two buzzards mew
and slow circle, wings wide on the thermals, lift and climb
a ballet in the air.

September 8th 2012, Hounoux, for Clare with love