Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A part of each other's design

A part of each other’s design

If you and I instead
Of tears and tantrums, laughter
Highs and lows
The sunny uplands and the dark despond
A tale told by an idiot
Wielding a wizard’s wand
If you and I instead
Were warp and weft
Of silk and multi-coloured thread
Part of a whole unknowable
Forming on the frame
As shuttle and bobbin
Click and clack
Three rows forward, three rows back
Then here, down the years
Ourselves new mothers, tantrums, fears
When you and I were daily
Frequent friends
Touching and interwoven
A part of each other’s design
How lovely the colours and texture
Rich and deep, splash and sparkle
Dance together twirl and twine
Yours and mine
Intermingled lives and threads
A part of each other’s design

14th June 2011, Hounoux, for Linda T with love